Hardwood flooring in a bathroom might not be the best option in such high humidity and not-too-friendly wood environment as a bathroom setting.
Bathrooms have a lot of water spills, drainage issues, plumbing problems, and humidity in general. All of these cause any type of wood to lose its quality over time and develop rot or mold.
However, hardwood floors are still a viable option for a bathroom with lower traffic than that of the main bath.
Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of hardwood flooring in bathrooms, and what to consider before you install wood flooring in your bath.
Advantages Of Hardwood Flooring In Bathroom
1. Hardwood Flooring In Bathroom Is Warmer And More Comfortable
2. Hardwood Flooring In Bathrooms Looks Amazing
3. Hardwood Flooring Has A Long Lifespan
4. Hardwood Flooring Can Be Refinished Anytime
5. Hardwood Flooring Will Increase The Market Value Of Your Home
Disadvantages Of Hardwood Flooring In Bathroom
1. Hardwood Floors Are Not Fully Resistant To Water
2. Hardwood Flooring Is Not The Cheapest Option
3. Hardwood Floors Can Be Scratched Easily
4. Hardwood Floors Need To Be Sealed Regularly
5. Hardwood Floors Can Be Noisy
What To Consider For Your Bathroom Hardwood Flooring
The disadvantages of hardwood flooring in bathrooms shouldn’t decide for you. Clearly, this type of flooring requires more attention than other options, but for a powder room or a guests’ bathroom floor, installing wood floors remains an excellent option.
Let’s see a few things worth considering before you decide.
Shower And Tub Surrounds
The best way to avoid water spills on a wood floor is by installing shower and tub surrounds. A porcelain tile or LVT is a great way to stop water from reaching your flooring, and it also provides a nice look to your bath.
These are common upgrades that improve the functionality of every bath. So even if you don’t have a hardwood bathroom floor, installing shower and tub surrounds is a great idea. A strong exhaust fan, bath mats, and regular maintenance with a good sealer will offer your solid wood floor a great moisture barrier.
Keeping An Eye On Plumbing
Most flooring damage comes from the bathroom subfloor, from a failure of your plumbing fixtures, of the or simply from water accumulating there.
Before you install hardwood flooring in bathroom, check the plumbing system and make sure it functions properly. Check the valve connections, the pipes running underneath the bathroom flooring, and the hot and cold water lines for any water droplets.
Type Of Wood
Hardwood flooring options like ebony, cherry, live oak, and bamboo are said to be the most durable and toughest choices out there. If you’re looking to have a quality hardwood floor at the cost of a heavier price tag, choose one of these options. Engineered hardwood flooring is also an increasingly common option.
At Randy Stewart’s Hardwood Flooring, we’ll go through each and every one of your options to ensure you’re making an informed decision, impossible to regret.
Type Of Finish
It’s true that hardwood flooring in bathrooms are decreasing in popularity. And it’s only natural for that to happen with all the new materials coming out.
Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) and luxury vinyl planks (LVP) are incredible choices that look similar to hardwood, are more affordable, and are easier to maintain as well.
However, nothing compares with the beauty of a hardwood floor.
This flooring material is sure to uplift your bath and make it the comfortable and welcoming place it needs to be.
If you’re still trying to decide between getting a hardwood floor for your bathroom or another material, get in touch today! It costs you nothing to call and discuss your project with your local hardwood floor installer in South Carolina.